Not a very promising start to the day, We set off from Muir of Ord for Cawdor Castle but as the weather brightened we pushed on to Elgin instead, the day just got better and visited Spynie Palace and Duffus Castle as well ults/propertyabou...
Spiritual heart of Moray
Spiritual heart of Moray
Elgin Cathedral is one of Scotland’s most beautiful medieval buildings, and the inspiration for many an artist.
The imposing yellow sandstone ruin is also one of the most important architectural legacies from that bygone age, whose intriguingly complex building history will reward the patient visitor
The cathedral was the ecclesiastical centre, the spiritual heart, of the diocese of Moray
The cathedral was the ecclesiastical centre, the spiritual heart, of the diocese of Moray
The restoration of stonework has been handled with great skill and care
The bishop’s cathedral or seat, was not always at Elgin –
it had previously been at nearby Kinneddar, Birnie and Spynie – but once it was transferred to Elgin around 1224, it remained there until the Protestant Reformation of 1560 effectively left the cathedral redundant.